
Imagine walking along a trail and interpreting it through music that captures the essence of the surrounding landscape.
This is the concept behind Terra Incógnita, a transdisciplinary artistic project coming to Faial from 4th to 7th September 2024. Originally from the island of São Miguel, the project challenges artists from various disciplines to reimagine the landscape through music and performance. In 2024, it will take place from September 4th to 14th on the islands of Santa Maria and Faial.
At the heart of the programme is the idea of the trail and the contemplation of site-specific musical creations, multimedia installations, and performative acts. In the days leading up to the event, a series of talks will provide context to the exchange fostered by the artistic residencies.
Participation is free and open to all, but spaces are limited and require registration. Don’t miss the opportunity to experience this unique event that promises to redefine the relationship between nature and art on the island of Faial.
Find out more about the Terra Incógnita project on the official website: http://terraincognitapdl.com/
Registration | https://tr.ee/nOJyhsRd1p
Facebook | https://www.facebook.com/terraincognitapdl
Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/terraincognitapdl?utm_source=ig_web_button_share_sheet&igsh=ZDNlZDc0MzIxNw==